Know About Five Super Foods For Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas doesnot produce the amount of insulin needed. This is the explanation from American  Diabetes Assocation. Insulin is a hormone that naturally turns sugar into energy in your body. However, it can as well affect other body organs such as the heart, eyes, kidney etc.  In this article, we will know about super foods for diabetes that will be helpful for diabetes patients. Here are the top 5 super foods  that should be brought in daily life.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes is one of the super food for diabetes. You can add sweet potatoes in your dish in different ways. You can  bake it or grill it. Even you can include it in salad, soups or as a side dish. The important thing to remember is keep the skin on as most of the nutrients are nearer to the skin. It  contains an antioxidant called beta carotene, which is rich in vitamins like C, A, and fibre. Another thing is low glycemic inex that it has makes a great carbhohydrate food to have which is safe for the diabetic people.

Olive Oil
If you use oil in cooking salad or snack than it is suggested to use an extra virgin olive oil. The reason for using  is  as it is the first press form of the oil which is minimally processed. It is known to contain more antioxidants and anti inflammatory compounds.

If you see at nuts than it contains many vital nutrients such as healthy fats, fibre, vitamins, and minerals like E, magnesium,that helps to stabilize the blood sugar levels. Diabetic people should take  smaller meals and snacks more often, nuts can be healthy snack options. You can soak nuts in water overnight and consume it. This is the best way to consume. It helps to release the enzyme compounds and they contain.

Leafy Greens
Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts are the vegetables that should be consumed in daily life for diabetic people. It contains useful nutrients such as insoluble fibre as well as calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, they are low in calories and easy carbohydrates in addition to helping to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Strawberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries are the source of vitamins, fibre and antioxidants that helps to control the blood sugar levels, as their natural sugars that donot have a negative impact on the blood sugar levels. Berries can be consumed with cereals as snacks or in salads as well. Another way it can be included in creating desserts, to help lower the calorie count and make them healthier.